Created by Spanish artist and designer Jaime Hayon, and produced by Cassina, the 'Réaction Poétique' collection brings together a series of minimalist, functional decor objects for the modern home. Offering a sculptural quality and employing form, light, and shade to expose the intrinsic beauty of the black stained ash wood from which it is cut, this stunning piece is inspired by the organic shapes cast by Le Corbusier, and paintings featured in the magazine L’Esprit Nouveau. An excellent showpiece for Cassina's renowned dedication to woodworking excellence, this piece is also an ode to craftsmanship and industrial innovation.
Created by Spanish artist and designer Jaime Hayon, and produced by Cassina, the 'Réaction Poétique' collection brings together a series of minimalist, functional decor objects for the modern home. Offering a sculptural quality and employing form, light, and shade to expose the intrinsic beauty of the black stained ash wood from which it is cut, this stunning piece is inspired by the organic shapes cast by Le Corbusier, and paintings featured in the magazine L’Esprit Nouveau. An excellent showpiece for Cassina's renowned dedication to woodworking excellence, this piece is also an ode to craftsmanship and industrial innovation.
Created by Spanish artist and designer Jaime Hayon, and produced by Cassina, the 'Réaction Poétique' collection brings together a series of minimalist, functional decor objects for the modern home. Offering a sculptural quality and employing form, light, and shade to expose the intrinsic beauty of the black stained ash wood from which it is cut, this stunning piece is inspired by the organic shapes cast by Le Corbusier, and paintings featured in the magazine L’Esprit Nouveau. An excellent showpiece for Cassina's renowned dedication to woodworking excellence, this piece is also an ode to craftsmanship and industrial innovation.
Stained black ashwood
Diameter 400mm
Height 560mm
Diameter 400mm
Height 560mm
Stained black ashwood
Diameter 400mm
Height 560mm
Diameter 400mm
Height 560mm
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