Created in 1933 by legendary Finnish designer Alvar Aalto (1898-1976), this simple birch stool is a Scandinavian classic. Sporting Aalto’s signature smooth curved wooden surface, its shape is based on a simple round seat supported by three bended legs (Aalto helped pioneer the groundbreaking process of bending wood), which means it can be easily stacked in great numbers.
Created in 1933 by legendary Finnish designer Alvar Aalto (1898-1976), this simple birch stool is a Scandinavian classic. Sporting Aalto’s signature smooth curved wooden surface, its shape is based on a simple round seat supported by three bended legs (Aalto helped pioneer the groundbreaking process of bending wood), which means it can be easily stacked in great numbers.
Created in 1933 by legendary Finnish designer Alvar Aalto (1898-1976), this simple birch stool is a Scandinavian classic. Sporting Aalto’s signature smooth curved wooden surface, its shape is based on a simple round seat supported by three bended legs (Aalto helped pioneer the groundbreaking process of bending wood), which means it can be easily stacked in great numbers.
Height 44cm
width 38cm
Height 44cm
width 38cm
Height 44cm
width 38cm
Height 44cm
width 38cm
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